

Mentoro, is the story behind a coffee…

Mentoro is the story behind a coffee. Not just any coffee, the one that can change your life, helps you make the right decision, or make it over your next professional hurdle.

You might have already experienced it. We, Sandra and I (this is Mélanie by the way) have experienced it. Both our careers benefited from the advice of incredible mentors. These amazing people wouldn’t hesitate to grab a coffee, tea, mocha, or lunch (you name it!) with us. And, over hot beverages, they’d answer our questions, address our fears, or simply share their experience.

…that changes the world,

The idea for Mentoro came about quite naturally as we found ourselves having coffees with more and more young professionals. They were just starting out in the workforce and had a lot of questions about their career. They didn’t know if they were on the right paths; if they should stay or move on, ask for a raise (yes, but how?), or take on more responsibility. They had questions about things not covered in school, so they reached out, looking for mentorship.

Late one night, we decided (perhaps a little naively) to try changing the world our own way, one coffee at a time. We would set up a mentorship program. We wanted it to be free, simple, practical and inclusive (available to both men and women, as well as to both entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs).

Sandra et Mélanie en plein brainstorm Mentoro pendant l’ascension du Mont Washington.

Mentors from our first cohort getting ready to jump into the Mentoro adventure.

One mentee at a time

By connecting them with experienced professionals eager to share their knowledge, we want to help younger generations excel in the workplace and reach their full potential. This was our vision when creating Mentoro, which means mentor in Esperanto, the universal language.

For more information: info@mentoro.co

To follow us:

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